Wednesday, March 07, 2007

MPs vote to increase the grip of party politics

Members of Parliament have taken the historic and entirely unsurprising decision to extend the grip of their own narrow, self-serving party patronages by voting for a 100% elected Upper House, demolishing the prospects for anyone entering public who is not beholden to a small self-serving clique.

The writing is on the wall now the the MPs have cast their 'advisory' vote. Say goodbye to principled stands, eloquent speeches, detailed policy scrutiny all at a ridiculously low cost. Say hello to the perma tanned, party whipped, self-serving careerists indulging in sofa politics and professional political hackery.

All because the goverment needed some extra pocket money.

These guys have the right idea, albeit with socks.....

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Posted by Blue Shark TV @ 11:01 PM

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